You’re already doing all that you can.

You’ve seen every doctor, tried every medication and supplement.  You find some relief, but the symptoms keep coming back, and they get worse under stress.

You know there’s a connection between what you’re feeling and what happened in your past.  If only you could force your body to behave and get a break from your symptoms!

Each morning you gather your strength and decide to will your way through it at any cost. . .

There’s a better way!

When your body is talking to you with symptoms…

…pain, illness, anxiety…

…and your doctors have reached the limits of what they can do for you, beating yourself up and putting extra stress and pressure on yourself doesn’t help.

I’ve been through something similar myself, and I’d be honored to work with you.

I’d love to help you love your body again.

My name is Miranda, and I use counseling and Somatic Experiencing to help people with chronic pain, dissociation, PTSD and other life stressors.

I am a late diagnosed Autistic ADHDer, and I find that many of the people who love to work with me also identify as neurodivergent!